Season 11
Healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco-free living, chronic disease management, and mental wellness.

Season 11 Gallery

What is Village HeartBEAT?
The Village HeartBEAT (Building Education & Accountability Together) program is a collaborative program organized to reduce risk factors associated with chronic disease through FBOs in Mecklenburg County. The overarching goal is to invest in FBOs as mutual business partners to adopt effective and sustainable policy, systems and environmental change (PSE) strategies to enhance healthier lifestyle choices, develop tobacco-free sites, and implement sustainable physical activities and healthy food options.
Season 11 Results
227 Participants
lost weight
44 Participants had a lower cholesterol ratio
207 Participants
had a lower BMI
38 Participants had a lower systolic blood pressure
196 Participants had a smaller waist circumference
384 Participants had a lower diastolic blood pressure
260 Participants had
a lower A1C score
134 participants had a change in at least one outcome
(including weight, BMI, waist circumference, A1C score, cholesterol ratio, and blood pressure(systolic and diastolic)